

Solidarity is a top priority for the Redemptorists. The last General Chapter (2016) made this solidarity a central motto. This solidarity has many facets.

  • The Redemptorists practice a preferential option for the poor and the “wounded” of this world. This is reflected in our social pastoral work and in our volunteering project.
  • The “wounded” also include those who are marginalized by the Church, and not least those who have been victims of abuse.
  • As the St. Clemens Province, we have a sense of responsibility for our “daughter province” in the Congo. We also express solidarity with other confreres in the Global South. In our schools and projects, we regularly organize actions to support these confreres. For example, in Flanders, there is the Clemensactie, and in Switzerland, the Hilfswerk St. Clemens.
  • Finally, as an aging community, we also receive solidarity from others. We collaborate with the Province of Indonesia. Several confreres from this province are now working, studying, and living in our province. We also work with neighboring European provinces. An important partner is the Missionary Sisters of the Most Holy Redeemer and the growing group of committed laypeople who live and work with us.

Places & Facilities


vzw Clemensactie (Kongo)


Redemptorist Volunteer Ministries


Mission in Indonesia


Well Project Bochum

Hilfswerk Klemens

St. Clemens Aid Organization

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